Anchored MaxDiff
& Messaging
Looking to identify not only the relative importance or appeal of a set of product claims or features, but also which will actually move the needle on purchase intent? Commission an Anchored MaxDiff as a standalone research test or add to any custom study to increase the utility and interpretability of your MaxDiff exercise!

Your Custom Report will include a claims/features comparison—at the total level and among any subgroups of interest—illustrating the relative performance of your items. Additionally, scores are centered around a utility boundary: the threshold for identifying items that have a positive impact versus those that have a negative or no impact.

- Preference likelihood
- Utility boundary
Product development
Product feature prioritization, flavor and ingredient preferences, identifying the most critical problems to solve/jobs-to-be-done by your product.Marketing
Product claims performance, product benefit priorities, identifying the most compelling marketing messaging.First respondents complete a standard MaxDiff exercise in which, over multiple screens, they indicate the most and least important items among the subset that is shown. The number of items shown in a subset and the total number of screens shown varies according to the total number of items being tested.
After the MaxDiff, respondents complete a second exercise in which they identify which items in the full set are important or “must-haves” and which are generally unimportant, or “nice to have.”
Using the Direct Binary anchoring model, our custom analysis takes into account responses in both exercises to determine relative performance of all items tested, anchored around a utility boundary that provides an absolute threshold for better interpretation of results.