DIY consumer insights
Because you can

Since 2009, we’ve been developing the world’s first DIY consumer research marketplace—a place where anyone can find the insight solutions of today and grow to meet the research needs of tomorrow.

Your research, done faster
Imagine selecting your audience, programming your survey, and launching it on the fly. While it’s fielding, you can even analyze results in real-time from your automated analysis dashboard.

Our expertise is built
into our platform
We are research experts. But what sets our platform apart from all the rest is that our expertise is built organically into our platform. What does that mean for you? It means aytm empowers you to go faster without needing as much support. You see, we’re not just doing research for you, we’re teaming up to make you faster every day.
Tap directly into
consumer voice
Traditional full-service research can take forever. By the time you get access to your insights, they’re already less relevant. With a DIY approach, you can now have a seat at the stakeholder table, bringing the consumer voice into the decision-making process. You can get there, all you have to do is bridge the gap—and we’re here to help make that happen.

No pressure,
just partnership
We believe true agility is when support empowers speed. So whether you need a guide or you’re ready to fly, we are determined to walk the path with you until you’re prepared to do it on your own. Talk to us about your research objectives and let us help you get to a place where you can do it yourself. Along the way, we’re here to help you find what you want and learn what you need—making you more agile the more we deliver on it for you.