AI, privacy, & security

Our mission at aytm is to build solutions that make market research easier, more accessible, and more efficient. Our guiding principle is that the privacy and security of client data are paramount, as detailed in our Privacy Policy, ISO Certifications, and Terms of Service.

How we use your data

Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are powerful tools that we use to enhance our solutions. To improve the relevancy, performance, accuracy, and overall capabilities of our AI models, we may use some client data, unless clients choose to opt out. Clients can opt out by using our platform (where applicable) or by contacting support at [email protected]. By allowing us to train our models with data, we can provide more valuable insights and better service to our clients.

How we ensure the privacy and security of your data

To develop generative AI/ML models for features such as survey suggestions and data analysis recommendations, our systems analyze client data (e.g., survey responses and content) submitted to aytm as well as other information (including usage information) as defined in our Privacy Policy and client agreements. To ensure the privacy and security of client data in this context, let’s go over the principles we adhere to.

Data Separation

We maintain strict data separation protocols to ensure that data from different clients is fully isolated and does not leak across workspaces. While we do utilize client data and response-level data collected on their behalf to fine-tune and develop our Large Language Models (LLMs) and other generative models, this process is conducted in compliance with ISO standards to ensure data security and privacy. Clients have the right to opt out of this data usage if they so choose.

Technical Controls

We have implemented capabilities that allow clients to request the disabling of any AI-equipped features on our platform, ensuring they do not engage with these features if they choose not to.

Client Choice

We offer clients a choice around these practices. If you want to exclude your client data from helping train aytm global models, you can opt out. If you opt out, client data on your workspace will only be used to improve the experience within your own workspace.

Opt-Out Process

To opt out, please have your account owner contact our client support team at [email protected] with your account details and the subject line “aytm AI opt-out request.” We will process your request and confirm once the opt-out has been completed.

AI features and data processing

aytm uses advanced AI technologies to enhance various platform features, offering clients valuable insights and improved services. These functionalities are optional, and clients can choose to exclude them from their surveys. Here is a summary of how we process data using AI-equipped features:


Survey Authoring AI Functionality

Generates survey schemas from user prompts, generates questions and answers, offers comments and suggestions

Automated Insights AI Functionality

Generates contextual narratives for charts, enhancing the informativeness of aytm stats page reports

Image Response

Analyzes respondent images to provide qualitative insights


Analyzes visual stimuli uploaded by clients as part of their surveys to recognize text (OCR) and create clusters out of text and non-text objects (part of client data)

Data Centrifuge

Analyzes text data to categorize responses by sentiment, aiding in visualizing comments and providing quantifiable insights.

Sentiment Analysis

Analyzes survey responses to facilitate meaningful high-quality data delivery


Applies and decodes hidden digital watermarks to ensure the security and traceability of client visual content used in surveys

We're committed to
the privacy and
security of your data

aytm takes privacy seriously, and our confidentiality obligations described in our client agreements and privacy policy apply in each of these scenarios. aytm aggregates and disassociates client data so that our use of it to update our features and services will never identify any of our clients or individuals as the source of any of these improvements to any third party, other than to aytm’s affiliates or sub-processors unless explicitly agreed upon with all involved parties or required by law.

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