Xpert: Concept testing (images)
Starts at $3,310
Set up in minutes
Upload images of your concepts (ads, packages, ideas, etc.) and launch a survey to find out what respondents like, don't like, and how intent they are to purchase. You can also customize your study with a few easy clicks to get even more feedback.
What you'll get
This solution grants you access to aytm's Concept Lab, which lets you quickly see how your concepts are doing and spot any big differences between them. It lets you separate how users and non-users react, delivers a breakdown of key findings, and recommends a winner. When you're done, you can easily export your results as a PowerPoint presentation, an Excel summary, or get your hands on the raw data in different formats.
- aytm's Concept Lab
Quickly see Top 2 Box summary statistics and significant differences between your concepts. - Word clouds
See which words jump out the most for the open-ended questions about likes and dislikes. - In-depth look at top concepts
Drill down to see the results for one concept at a time. - Downloadable deliverables
Easily download a pre-populated .PPTX, an Excel summary of results, or access your raw data in a variety of file types.
Key metrics
This Xpert Solution comes with pre-built, automated reporting for more efficient analysis. Here are the key metrics you can expect to examine for the most relevant results.
- Purchase intent
- Optional metrics
- Perceived value
- Custom attributes
(e.g. uniqueness, believability, importance) - Alternative brands
(i.e. products chosen if concept were unavailable)
Through a monadic or sequential monadic survey design, respondents will see up to six concept images and can share their thoughts. Respondents will receive up to ten custom attributes to share their thoughts on each concept.
This solution comes with uniqueness , believability, and importance as pre-loaded attributes to test for, but you can set them to fit your needs. You can also ask about what other options consumers would consider if they couldn't pick your concept.