Understanding customers and appreciating them is an important part of keeping them happy. And since today is Get to Know Your Customers Day, it’s a great time for businesses to examine how they learn about and appreciate their most loyal customers. So what do people think about the importance of these practices? And which brands do the best job of getting to know their customers and appreciating them?

Understanding Customers
In Ask Your Target Market’s latest survey, 88% of respondents said they are more likely to do business with companies that really understand their customers. However, just 59% said that most of the companies they’ve dealt with have done a good job of understanding their customers’ needs and wants.So how can businesses do a better job of learning about their customers? 62% said it’s as simple as listening to complaints and feedback that customers willingly offer to businesses. 52% think businesses should perform online surveys. 50% suggested businesses learn about their customers with face-to-face interaction. 47% think businesses should test their products with customers. 45% think they should just pay attention to buying habits. 23% think companies should use social media to get to know their customers. And 21% are a fan of phone surveys.
Customer Appreciation
Though understanding and appreciating customers require separate actions, they often go hand in hand. So 91% of respondents said they are also more likely to do business with companies that appreciate their customers. But just 62% said that most businesses they’ve dealt with have done a good job of showing customer appreciation.For customers, the best way that businesses can show their appreciation, according to 64% of respondents, is to offer sales or just lower prices in general. 63% think businesses should show their appreciation by offering discounts to loyal customers. 53% like when businesses offer free items. 45% appreciate when businesses host giveaways or contests. And 24% like when businesses host special events.
Favorite Brands
It’s clear that customer understanding and appreciation are important. So which brands do a good job of this? 42% think that Google does a good job of understanding and appreciating customers. 36% think that Apple does a good job of this. 33% think Microsoft does. 32% think WalMart does. 26% think Samsung does a good job showing customer appreciation. Another 26% think McDonald’s does as well. 24% each think that Starbucks and Coca-Cola do a good job of this. And Facebook had the lowest ranking of the major companies given, with just 19%. Other companies that customers mentioned include Amazon, Disney, Macy’s and more. You can view the complete survey results in the widget below and be sure to click “Open Full Report” to take advantage of all the chart and filter options.Photo Credit: Glam Up and Go for Special Olympics Connaught from FLickrWhat do you want to know? If you need some consumer insights on a particular topic, let us know in the comments below and we’ll consider it for an upcoming survey post.
Results were collected on January 13 via AYTM’s online survey panel.