Little Leaf Farms uses aytm to test first-ever brand campaign before launch

Taste-testing fresh campaign messaging
Little Leaf Farms is revolutionizing the packaged salad category, and for their first campaign, they needed something that would equally stand out and communicate what makes them truly special. They had the idea of making the everyday notes they get from their biggest fans the heart and soul of this first campaign’s message. They called them: Tastemonials. These heartfelt love letters from customers were sure to resonate with their target audience. But the savvy brand team at LLF knew that testing creative with real consumers is imperative to maximizing the impact of these assets—so they turned to aytm for the fresh insights needed to ensure their first advertising campaign was a smashing success.
- Get real consumer feedback on upcoming campaign messaging to ensure the campaign is well-received and to maximize campaign effctiveness
Target Audience
- Show respondents 20 tastemonials and ask for likes and dislikes of each one
- Have respondents rank the 20 variations based on their preference
- In just 24 hours, the Little Leaf Farms team confirmed that the campaign was well received, impacted respondent’s likelihood to buy, and identified top-received variations to put ad budget behind