Leading social media platform gets to know parents of teens

Quick-turn social media sentiment benchmarking
When a high-ranking executive at a leading social media company needed insights on a variety of challenges surrounding teen usage of the platform, their Marketing Insights team knew just what to do: They turned to aytm for a quick-turn benchmark study and quickly gathered the data they needed. One week later, the executive had actionable insights without sacrificing data quality. They even uncovered some bonus findings that impressed stakeholders and won their team even more brownie points.
- Gain insights into parent sentiments about what is and isn’t appropriate for their children
- Benchmark the platform against media beyond other social media platforms
Target Audience
- N=800 (N=400 parents of children aged 13–15, N=400 parents of children aged 16–17)
- Programmed show, hide, and skip logic to present only relevant questions to each respondent
- Geared question types towards measuring respondent awareness and sentiment when it came to the appropriateness of various media
- Revealed important insights into how parents feel about the different types of media that their teenagers are engaging with
- Programmed, launched, fielded, and delivered a report on the results to leadership with a total turnaround of just seven days
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