Facebook announced last week that it will be releasing an App Center, allowing users to browse all Facebook-compatible apps in one convenient place. Many Facebook users already frequent third-party apps such as Farmville and Spotify, but the new App Center might allow other games and features to thrive. How many Facebook users will make use of the new App Center, and how much are these types of apps worth to them?

Third Party Apps
In Ask Your Target Market’s latest survey, 79% of respondents said they currently have a Facebook account. Another 3% said they have had one in the past. And 18% don’t use Facebook at all. Of those who have used Facebook, 26% said they frequently use third party apps such as Farmville or Spotify. Another 25% said they have used these types of apps, but not very often. And 49% have never used third party apps on Facebook.
In-App Purchases
Currently, apps available for use on Facebook are technically free, but users may make purchases within the game or app. 31% of app users said they have made purchases within a Facebook app. With the new App Center, Facebook will allow some paid apps to run on the site. 11% of Facebook users said they would definitely pay for apps. 37% said they would consider it. And 52% said they definitely would not pay for apps on Facebook.
Facebook App Center
11% of Facebook users said they definitely plan to use the new Facebook App Center when it is released within the next few weeks. 53% said they will consider using the App Center. And 36% said they are not interested at all. You can view the complete survey results in the widget below and be sure to click “Open Full Report” to take advantage of all the chart and filter options.Photo Credit: Farmville 91 from FlickrWhat do you want to know? If you need some consumer insights on a particular topic, let us know in the comments below and we’ll consider it for an upcoming survey post.
Results were collected on May 13 via AYTM’s online survey panel.