Amazon is lowering the price of its Kindle Fire tablet by $40. The tablet was already a couple hundred dollars cheaper than some other tablets at $200. But price has been one of the main draws for the device to set it apart from others like Apple’s iPad. How important is price when compared to other factors for potential tablet customers? And how popular has the Kindle Fire become within the tablet market?

Tablet Owners
In Ask Your Target Market’s latest survey, 17% of consumers said they currently own an iPad. 12% said they own a Kindle Fire. 10% own an Android tablet. And 2% own other tablet devices, such as a Nook or Surface. 59% said they don’t own a tablet device at all.In general, 59% of respondents said they are very satisfied with their current tablet. 36% said they are somewhat satisfied. 4% said they are somewhat unsatisfied. And just 1% said they are very unsatisfied. Kindle Fire owners were slightly more likely to be unsatisfied with their tablets, while iPad owners were the most satisfied.
Potential Buyers
14% of overall respondents said that they definitely plan to buy a tablet within the next couple of years. 32% said they probably would be interested in buying a tablet within the next couple of years. 35% said they probably won’t buy a tablet in that time period. And 20% said they definitely won’t. Those who already own a tablet were 8% more likely to be interested in purchasing one in the coming years.Of those who are interested in buying a new tablet, 30% said they plan to buy an iPad. 21% plan to buy a Kindle Fire. 15% want an Android tablet. 2% said they are interested in other tablets such as the Microsoft Surface. And 32% said they are undecided.
Important Factors
Despite consumers showing less interest in the Kindle fire than more expensive models like the iPad, 54% of respondents who are interested in buying a new tablet rated price the most important factor in their decision. Ease of use, variety of apps, and size were rated the next most important. And brand name and visual appeal were rated the least important factors. You can view the complete survey results in the widget below and be sure to click “Open Full Report” to take advantage of all the chart and filter options.Photo Credit: MWC Barcelona 2013 - Amazon Kindle Fire from FlickrWhat do you want to know? If you need some consumer insights on a particular topic, let us know in the comments below and we’ll consider it for an upcoming survey post.
Results were collected on August 12 via AYTM’s online survey panel.