On Demand Services Survey: Most Agree Services Will Gain Popularity

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Posted Sep 30, 2016

Today’s consumers aren’t known for having especially lengthy attention spans. When they purchase products or services, they want to receive them right away. That’s why on-demand services ranging from same-day delivery to immediate streaming services have grown in popularity in recent years. In fact, a vast majority of consumers have used services that are part of the on-demand economy, according to a report from Burson-Marsteller. So how many consumers regularly use on-demand services? And which ones are most popular? We asked nearly 1,000 respondents September 25-30 about their thoughts on the on-demand economy.

on demand services

On Demand Services

In Ask Your Target Market’s latest survey, 38% of respondents said they’ve used TV or video streaming services. 33% have used restaurant delivery services. 20% have used same-day shipping for online shopping purchases. 17% have used music streaming services. 13% have used grocery delivery. 7% have used ride hailing apps. 3% have used chores services. And 38% said they haven’t used any on-demand services.Of those who have used on-demand services, 74% said they’ve been at least somewhat satisfied with them. Just 9% said they’ve been unsatisfied. And 17% were neutral or had no opinion. Netflix, Amazon, Uber, Spotify and Hulu were named as some of the popular on-demand services among those consumers.

Attention Spans

In general, 68% of consumers said that when they make purchases they like to receive their product or service right away. 42% said they will pay extra for convenience. 38% will pay extra to receive products or services right away. And 65% of consumers agree that on-demand services have gained popularity over the last five years.

Growing Popularity

Looking forward, 65% think it’s at least somewhat likely that on-demand services will continue gaining popularity over the next five years. Just 8% disagree. And 27% were neutral or had no opinion. Those who have already used on-demand services were even more likely to think that those services will get more popular in that time.

Key Takeaways

It’s clear that many consumers see the value in on-demand services like fast delivery and on-demand streaming. And most also agree that those services are likely to continue growing. However, many of the companies that consumers mentioned in relation to the on-demand economy were companies created specifically for those purposes. Netflix, Amazon, Uber, Spotify and similar companies provide streaming or fast delivery as a main facet of their businesses. But fewer consumers mentioned more traditional retailers or businesses like Walmart. So there could be room for improvement for those companies to promote on-demand services to target those customers who value convenience but still want to do business with established brands with whom they’re already familiar.You can view the complete survey results in the widget below and be sure to click “Open Full Report” to take advantage of all the chart and filter options.Photo Credit: Roku Streaming Video by Mike Mozart under CC BY 2.0What do you want to know? If you need some consumer insights on a particular topic, let us know in the comments below and we’ll consider it for an upcoming survey post.

Results were collected on September 25-30 via AYTM’s online survey panel.