Pokémon Go, the augmented reality based mobile app that took the world by storm last year, is about to celebrate its one-year anniversary. Niantic announced a series of summer events to celebrate the app’s anniversary and promote some upcoming features. But although the game remains relatively popular, it hasn’t exactly retained the massive base of users that it attracted right after its initial release. So how many people still use the Pokémon Go app regularly? And how many might consider using it again if Niantic unveils some new interesting features? We asked 1,000 respondents about their thoughts on Pokémon Go and their mobile app downloading habits.

Pokemon Go
In Ask Your Target Market’s latest online survey, 35% of respondents said that they have downloaded Pokémon Go onto their smartphone or mobile device at some point within the past year. But of those respondents, just 57% said they still have Pokémon Go installed on their device now.Of those who still have Pokémon Go installed on their devices, 38% said they’ve opened the app in the past day. 27% have within the past week. 19% have opened it within the past month. 8% have within the past three months. 5% last opened it in the past six months. And 4% said it’s been over six months since they last opened the Pokémon Go app.
Regaining Users
Of those who have deleted the Pokémon Go app or haven’t opened it in over a month, 59% said they would be at least somewhat likely to re-download or use it again if the app gets some new features that they find to be interesting. But of those who have never downloaded Pokémon Go, just 8% said they would be at least somewhat likely to download the app within the next year.More specifically, 53% of those who are open to playing Pokémon Go again said that some social or interactive features would interest them. 51% said they could be persuaded to use the app again if it gets some new Pokémon. 36% like the idea of in-person events. 22% said they are interested in gym raids, which the app just recently added. And 26% are unsure about what features might persuade them to use the app again. According to Personality Radar, those who are open to using Pokémon Go again are likely to be young, trendy and tech-savvy consumers.
Mobile Apps
In general, 15% of respondents said they download new mobile apps a few times per week. 31% download new apps a few times a month. 18% do so a few times every three months. And 17% do so a few times per year. In addition, 45% said that they last played games on their mobile devices within the past day.
Key Takeaways
Pokémon Go was able to attract a fair amount of users upon its initial release. But about half of those users have deleted the app or haven’t used it in awhile. Those consumers seem fairly open to using the app again in the future, if there are some new features that interest them. And social features or those that facilitate interactions between other users seem to be of the most interest to them. And targeting those past users seems to be the best strategy for Niantic, since the vast majority of those who didn’t download the app in the first place seem to have no interest in doing so.You can view the complete survey results in the widget below and be sure to click “Open Full Report” to take advantage of all the chart and filter options.Photo Credit: Pokemon GO by Eduardo Woo under CC BY-SA 2.0What do you want to know? If you need some consumer insights on a particular topic, let us know in the comments below and we’ll consider it for an upcoming survey post.
Results were collected on June 26 via AYTM’s online survey panel.