It’s the season of ugly sweaters. If you’ve ever been to an ugly sweater party or celebrated National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day, then you’re well aware of this tradition. During the holiday season, it’s becoming increasingly popular for people to don their favorite “ugly” holiday themed sweaters and attend parties or celebrations in them. So how many take part in these traditions? And where are people finding these ugly sweaters?

Ugly Sweaters
In Ask Your Target Market’s latest survey, 15% of respondents said they currently own an ugly Christmas sweater. 17% said they don’t currently, but have owned one in the past. And 68% have never owned an ugly holiday themed sweater. The amount of people who own ugly holiday sweaters is actually down a percent from last year, according to a December 2014 survey.
Most people who have owned ugly sweaters said that they received them as gifts. Others bought theirs from Walmart, Target, Goodwill, Amazon and other thrift or second-hand stores. Some even made their own ugly sweaters.
Sweater Parties
Overall, just 3% of respondents said they attend an ugly sweater party or celebrate National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day every year. 5% have done so multiple times in the past. And 9% have just celebrated once. The amount of people who have attended ugly sweater parties hasn’t really changed in the last year.
Future Buyers
Looking forward, 23% of respondents said that they are likely to buy an ugly Christmas sweater at some point in the future. 62% said they would be unlikely to do so. And 15% were neutral. Those who said they would be likely to buy ugly sweaters in the future were 23% more likely to already own one. You can view the complete survey results in the widget below and be sure to click “Open Full Report” to take advantage of all the chart and filter options.
Photo Credit: ugly christmas sweaters 2012 from Flickr