Summer's here, and it’s time for a vacation! Ever wondered where people are going and how their spending their summer vacations? Using the aytm platform, we surveyed 1,000 American adults in late May 2024 to uncover the hottest trends—and we got the results back in just a few hours! Here’s a look at what we found.
Who’s hitting the road?
In our survey, 56% of Americans are taking a vacation this summer! For the roughly 44% staying put, 60% cited high travel costs as the reason. However, 72% of those not traveling this year would love to go on vacation if circumstances allowed.
Timing is everything

July is the most popular vacation month, with 42% of travelers planning trips then. May sees the fewest travelers at 4.5%, while June, August, and September have 24%, 21%, and 10% respectively. Most vacations are short and sweet: 27% of travelers are taking 3–4 day trips, while only 7% plan two-week getaways.

Where are they going?
Travelers are spreading out across the map! 27% are exploring their home state, 57% are venturing out of state, and 9% are heading abroad. Among those staying local, California, Florida, and Texas are top spots. For out-of-state travelers, Florida leads the pack, followed by California, North Carolina, Nevada, and New York. Those going international prefer Canada and Mexico.
Travel buddies and modes of transportation
Family vacations are huge this year. 53% of people will be traveling with family and 41% with significant others. Friends and solo travelers each account for 13%, while a tiny 1% are traveling with co-workers. 78% are hitting the road by car, while 35% are flying to their destinations.
What’s the appeal?
Relaxation and family time top the list of vacation pleasures. Whether they’re soaking up the sun or enjoying new sights, Americans are eager to unwind and connect with loved ones.
Summer 2024 is shaping up to be a season of exploration and rejuvenation. Wherever you’re headed, happy travels!

Editor's note: This post was originally published in July 2014 but was updated in June 2024 to reflect more timely consumer insights collected by refreshing and rerunning the original research.