Apple has reportedly been in talks to develop a TV or similar device that would deliver cable service but also likely give users access to the internet and a variety of third party apps. Would consumers be interested in an Apple TV? What features would they look for and how do they feel about Apple as a company?

Cable TV
In Ask Your Target Market’s latest survey, 61% of respondents said they currently have cable television service. Another 24% said they used to have cable TV. And 16% said they have never had cable TV. However, 95% of consumers said they currently own a TV. Just 1% said they used to own one but no longer do. And 4% said they’ve do not own a TV.
Apple Customers
Overall, 32% of consumers said they have a very positive opinion of Apple as a company. 28% described their opinion as somewhat positive. 32% said they have a neutral opinion of Apple. 6% described their opinion as somewhat negative. And just 3% said they have a very negative opinion of Apple.
Apple TV
29% of survey takers said they would definitely be interested in buying a TV that had cable access as well as internet access and third party apps. 36% said they might be interested in such a device. And 27% said they would not be interested. 8% of respondents said they already own a TV that has cable, internet and apps.As far as the company is concerned, 18% said they would definitely be interested in a TV that was built and distributed by Apple. 48% said they would probably be interested in an Apple TV. 27% said they would probably not be interested in an Apple TV. And 8% said they would definitely not be interested. Consumers who have cable TV were more likely to express interest in Apple TV.You can view the complete survey results in the widget below and be sure to click “Open Full Report” to take advantage of all the chart and filter options.Photo Credit: Apple TV from FlickrWhat do you want to know? If you need some consumer insights on a particular topic, let us know in the comments below and we’ll consider it for an upcoming survey post.
Results were collected on August 19, 2012 via AYTM’s online survey panel.