This week Aytm is excited to announce the launch of our new Advanced MaxDiff with two flexible variations, Express and HB. For those unfamiliar, MaxDiff is often used to obtain preference/importance for multiple attributes (brand preferences, brand images, product features, advertising claims, etc.). The new Advanced MaxDiff, Express and HB both have been developed to use less screens to decrease respondent fatigue and allow you to get the right data for your market research needs.
About MaxDiff Express
We now call it Express because it’s the fastest MaxDiff option on our platform! Express is the same great Advanced MaxDiff you love but with some upgrades to make it faster. Our previous version of Advanced MaxDiff required 10 screens, but with Express we only require 3-4. By doing this we reduce individual respondent burden but are still able to deliver powerful aggregate insights.
About MaxDiff HB
If aggregate insights are not enough, then meet MaxDiff HB, our super powered version with individual-level estimates using Hierarchical Bayesian method. The Hierarchical Bayesian model considers properties of other items presented in a task when respondent makes a choice. The best/worst probabilities correspond to the logit transformation of the linear combination of utility scores of the packages in the task. Respondents are analyzed individually, with their preference scores being a realization of pooled "average" opinion which follows a Normal distribution, at the same time reflecting their individual preferences. As a result, raw Logit coefficients are available for every respondent.
Express vs HB: What’s the Best Match for Your Survey Needs
Which Advanced MaxDiff is right for you? You should use Express when you want to gather general aggregate information without the intention to obtain individual level estimates. In a typical setting respondents will see just 3-5 screens. You should use HB when you want to collect high resolution data on the individual level using the Hierarchical Bayesian model. In a typical setting respondents will see 10-20 screens. Interested in learning more about Advanced MaxDiff Express or HB? Get the full scoop here.