AYTM & Research Rockstar Special Training Bundle for Researchers

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Posted Apr 11, 2018
Tiffany Mullin

AYTM is proud to partner with our friends at Research Rockstar to offer a special discounted market research training bundle. The 3-course AYTM bundle includes fundamental courses on questionnaire design, data analysis and using research tests like Conjoint & Maxdiff. Thanks to Research Rockstar we are able to offer all 3 courses as a bundle with over $200 in savings.

Here is more info about each course:Quantitative Data Analysis for Survey Research - This 4 week program will cover topics such as, how to work effectively with data analysts and/or statisticians, getting the most from your frequencies and crosstabs and where to start with quantitative data analysis. Conjoint, Discrete Choice & Maxdiff - Conjoint, data and Maxdiff analysis, oh my! In this course students are taught basic concepts and usage scenarios while discussing conjoint analysis and MaxDiff. Learn how to better help your clients understand the benefits of these choices as well as their limitations and what tools are available to help your clients with their needs. Questionnaire Design: Scale Selection - Scale selection is key to survey design and understanding when to use scale selection is just as important. This 4 week program offers students topics such as ranking and rating scales, discussions related to choice of even versus odd scales, number of points and other related topics.