Gmail Survey: Users Happy with New Layout

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Posted Nov 04, 2011
Anne Pilon

This week, Gmail introduced a new design and a few different features for its many users. The change, which has been hinted at for a few months, has caught the attention of Gmail’s many users. Do they like the changes, or will they cry for the old Gmail back?


Personal Email

Almost all of the respondents in Ask Your Target Market’s latest survey have a personal email account. Of the 98% who do, 52.3% use it as their only email account, as opposed to also having a work email.

Work Email

Of the rest who use both personal and work email, 26.3% use their personal account more, 12% use them both the same amount, 5.9% use their work account more, and 3.6% primarily use work email and rarely even check their personal email.

Gmail Users

Gmail is a platform that can be used for both work and personal email accounts. 23.1% of those who use work email said theirs is hosted by gmail. And of those with a personal account, 29.8% use gmail. Other popular platforms include Yahoo (32.8%), Hotmail (13.5%), and AOL (7%).Gmail users seem pretty happy with the new look; 13.2% said they like it much better, 42.1% said they like it, 26.4% were neutral, 6.6% dislike it, and no respondents said they hate it. Another 11.6% have not yet used it with the new look.It seems the popular platform is keeping its users happy with the new changes. Will Gmail users continue to like their email provider through even more changes to come?Photo Credit: Gmail Preview from Flickr

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