Popular photo sharing app Instagram recently announced some changes in terms of advertising on the platform. Instead of the few ads currently being shown on users’ feeds, Instagram will allow third parties to set up their own advertising campaigns to be posted on the app. The change could result in a more business-friendly platform. Or it could disengage some users. What to people think about Instagram ads in general? And how might the changes impact users?

Instagram Ads
In Ask Your Target Market’s latest survey, just 15% of respondents said they often come across ads on Instagram. 38% said they sometimes come across Instagram ads. 25% rarely see them. And 24% of Instagram users said they’ve never noticed ads on the platform. Of those who have noticed ads on Instagram, 35% said they’ve liked the posts. 29% have followed an account because of an Instagram ad. 27% have followed a link. 8% have actually purchased a product because of an ad they saw on Instagram. And 44% haven’t taken any action based on Instagram ads.
Advertising Brands
Aside from just selling products and gaining followers, many brands hope that Instagram ads can help them gain more favorable opinions among those who come across their ads. Overall, 29% of Instagram users said they are at least somewhat likely to have a more favorable opinion of brands that they see ads for on Instagram. 25% said they are unlikely to do so. And 46% were neutral. As far as brands that have taken advantage of the advertising options offered by the platform, some big names are already making an impact. Nike, McDonald’s, Maybelline, Samsung, Pepsi and Adidas were mentioned by respondents as their favorite brands that have advertised on Instagram.
Instagram Users
When it comes to users opinions about Instagram itself, the amount of ads can also have an impact. Currently, 33% of Instagram users are satisfied with the amount of ads that show up in their feeds. However, just 15% said they would respond positively if the platform allowed the amount of ads to increase, as it is planning to do. You can view the complete survey results in the widget below and be sure to click “Open Full Report” to take advantage of all the chart and filter options.Photo Credit: newsgathering. from FlickrWhat do you want to know? If you need some consumer insights on a particular topic, let us know in the comments below and we’ll consider it for an upcoming survey post.
Results were collected on August 4 via AYTM’s online survey panel.