Our newest advanced question is the cascading combo-box. If you need to ask someone the make, model, and year of their vehicle, cascading combo-box is your solution! Similar to the original combo-box, this new question type allows you to create or upload nested lists of answer choices.
Just like the regular Combo-box Question Type, we have a few different ways you can program your cascading combo-box. You can create and edit your own list, upload a list from a text file, or use one of our pre-programmed lists.
To create and edit your structure of nested lists right on this page, click “Create/Edit” to open the editor.
Just like in a bulleted or numbered list in a Microsoft Word document, you can use the “Enter” key to create a new line, and the “Tab” key to move a level deeper in the structure. To move a level higher in your structure, use the “Backspace” key. Your nested responses and lists will be moved along with the parent item you are moving.
We made it easy to clone branches of data and apply it to all items on the same level by simply clicking the leaf icon located on the right hand side of the editor.
Click Apply when you are done editing to save.
You can also upload your tree structure of nested list. Select “Upload” to add your file to the editor.
When you create your list you can use underscore _ before the line you want to use as a default text (e.g.: _Please select). Have each answer response on its own line and use spaces or tabs to create the tree structure. You can add (...) at the end of a line to allow the optional open ended answer. If you created your structure using bullet points or numbered lists, make sure you use unique bullet symbols for each level. You can always copy and paste your list into the editor instead of uploading.
You can also use one of our pre-programmed lists for your cascading combo-box. Choose a list from the dropdown box, then click on the “Preview” to see how the list is formatted. While you can’t make any changes to existing lists, it may help you to explore the question type.
If you would like to watch the tutorial video, rollover the “Preview” icon, and a question mark will appear.Click the question mark, and then click the video icon.If you have an idea for a new list, or want to modify an existing list, please let us know! You can reach us via our live chat, or email [email protected].