The shopping experience has changed quite a bit in recent years. While some stores choose to focus solely on brand new items and expensive new features, others are choosing a different route. Second-hand and thrift stores have become increasingly popular, both because of the styles they offer and the often low prices that go along with them. And since today is National Second-Hand Wardrobe Day, plenty of second-hand shoppers are likely to head out to their favorite stores. So how many consumers enjoy second-hand shopping? And what are their favorite second-hand stores?

Second-Hand Shopping
In Ask Your Target Market’s latest survey, 10% of respondents said they only ever shop for clothes second-hand. 13% said they do so most of the time. 22% go second-hand shopping for clothes and accessories about half the time. 36% rarely do. And 19% never do. Women were slightly more likely than men to shop at thrift stores and the like for at least half of their clothing purchases. And respondents under 35% were more likely to go second-hand shopping fairly often, but also more likely to have never gone second-hand shopping.
Favorite Stores
Overall, respondents’ top stores for second-hand clothing and accessory items are Goodwill and Salvation Army. But others mentioned include Vallue Village, Plato’s Closet and St. Vincent de Paul. Others have also shopped for used clothing and accessories at garage sales, flea markets and online at sites like eBay.
Shopping Experience
While there are plenty of different reasons for people to shop at thrift stores and similar places, price remains key. 78% of second-hand shoppers said they appreciate the low prices at second-hand shops. 45% like the variety of items. 27% think second-hand shopping can be a fun experience. 23% think they can often find more unique styles at second-hand stores. And 5% cited other reasons, such as helping out good causes with their purchases. You can view the complete survey results in the widget below and be sure to click “Open Full Report” to take advantage of all the chart and filter options.Photo Credit: Goodwill from FlickrWhat do you want to know? If you need some consumer insights on a particular topic, let us know in the comments below and we’ll consider it for an upcoming survey post.
Results were collected on August 23 via AYTM’s online survey panel.