[NEW]: Simplify Sig Testing with Correlation Finder

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Posted Aug 20, 2020
Tiffany Mullin

Significance testing can be an invaluable tool in helping you understand the difference of data, identify changes in performance, and focus on meaningful insights. 

Suppose you’ve been using the aytm platform for a while. In that case, you know that we’ve long had the ability to perform statistical significance tests and crosstabs, which were available in just a few clicks, saving you the hassle of running complex tests in SPSS or the budget required to hire a statistician. 

But there was one teeny tiny caveat – you had to download an Excel spreadsheet to access it. And whenever you did access it, you always got the whole enchilada – even if all you wanted was a little bit-sized piece of the data. 

Meet the new Correlation Finder. 👋🏾

The What

Have you ever wished you could run one question banners rather than export the entire report? Now you can!

Correlation Finder allows you to run Sig tests and crosstabs directly on your stats page. It will run the test and generate data visualizations directly on the page, making it easier than ever to test significance between data and chart the significance.

In addition to significance testing, Correlation Finder creates a corresponding subgroup comparison chart; making it easy for you to visually see how your groups are comparing.

The Why

Why not? Whenever we see an opportunity to make your job a little easier, we jump on it. 

Having the ability to test the statistical significance of your consumer data without leaving the platform removes one step from your research process, resulting in you being able to do more research in less time. 

The How

The Correlation Finder is located under the Data Lab icon in every Stats Report. 

Setting up your analysis

  1. Click on the Data Lab icon and drag and drop the Correlation Finder into the survey. 
  2. Click the pencil at the top right at any time to add/edit a title. 
  1. Choose a Banner and an Attribute from the drop-down boxes. 
  1. Use the second drop-down for each option to filter each data point further if needed. 
  2. Click the arrow in the middle to swap the banner and attribute if needed. 
  3. Once you have selected the two data points, click Generate Data. 

The When

Use the Correlation Finder to simplify your crosstabs and significance tests, streamlining your process for evaluating your data findings.

 It’s available now.

Try Correlation Finder in your next survey. Visit the help desk to learn how to fine-tune the charts, read the legend, export, and more.

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