Need to figure out the best combination of features for your future product, service or package? Wouldn't it be great if you could also figure out the best combo to offer to each cluster of your target audience—and figure out your audience clusters automatically? We’d like to announce one of our latest additions to our survey platform, the new drag-and-drop Conjoint question type.
We have two types of conjoint: Conjoint Express and Conjoint Segmentation.
Use Conjoint Express when you need to minimize your costs by asking respondents to respond to the minimum number of screens. Conjoint Express provides real-time analysis, and it will learn about the preferences of your entire sample group (or a subset of it if you apply filters), but it won’t be able to tell you anything at the individual level of each respondent.
Conjoint Segmentation is a more expensive option, since it will ask respondents to go through approximately twice as many screens to better learn their individual preferences. When a survey is finished fielding, it will take 5-15 minutes to crunch the numbers using the gold standard of the market research industry, Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling. Conjoint Segmentation will arrive at similar results as Conjoint Express, but with a much higher confidence.
Conjoint Segmentation includes a live customer persona generation engine, which will label personas with a hypothetical name and a photo, to make it easier to distinguish and navigate among them. Our engine approximates the most prominent personas in your sample group and shows the package that is perfect for each of them.If you would like to look at the design sheet that our platform will produce for you, you are more than welcome to process and download it to analyze on your end. If you happen to have a design sheet created on another platform, you can upload it to your research test here.
Want to learn more about adding conjoint experiments to your surveys? Explore our Conjoint Question Type.